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clean fuel

clean fuel No Sulphur, No Lead                                                                                                                    We tend to accept 0.15gm/ltr lead in petrol as low lead petrol and 0.05g/ltr as unleaded fuel. We need to go to 0.013g/ltr as a transitional step immediately and to 0.0013g/ltr in 4 years. At that level, lead would be almost untraceable in petrol and consequently in the human body. Particle emissions are directly related to sulphur.In India, sulphur in diesel has to come down from 0.25% to 0.05% by weight - elsewhere it is going to 0.02%. Sulphur in petrol may be brought down from 0.2 to 0.1 by next year, but we need to catch up with the world by taking it to 0.01 as a transtitional step and to 0.005 by 2004. Higher Octane, Higher Cetane Higher compression engine gives lower pollution and require the octane to go up from the present 89 to 91. Similarly, diesel cetane needs to go up from 45 to 48 at first and to 53. Take Benzene down Benzene o

clean fuel