
Showing posts with the label space

Exploring the Universe

  The word "explore" is heard from our childhood in different conditions and situations. the space exploration is a quite different but same as the other and it involves huge risk, talent and technology need to reach to the far light year from our home planet. The vhecile which we use should be self sustainable and can able to reach to the far distance at a less time period.  inorder to make those things possible to need to develop that technology which can be able to fullfil the targets. At present SpaceX, Boing and Blue Origins are having abetter competation to make the travel economical and take the man to MARS safely. SpaceX is sucessful in developing the reusable rocket which is helpful in cost reduction. But the non of them are not able to reach to the targets of ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) developed PSLV and GSLV mark 2 space vehicle which costs only $75 million which is the world record that non of the space organisation came nearby to develop such kind

Space Exploration within our solar system

Exploration to mars by carrying techchnology and innovation From early man to present modern man the exploration and development is a constant process. From early man to present modern man the exploration and development is a constant process. As man stepped his foot on MOON. Now, he is trying way different plans to explore the red planet to explore the human race around the solar system and to the end of the universe. NASA, SpaceX, ISRO and other space agencies are in race to reach to the middle and Exo-planets in the solar system and around the universe. Red planet is a sister planet to earth as both are having similar conditions of atmosphere. Now scientists are trying their best to converted to the red planet into green by creating the atmosphere with the help of the greenhouse gases to melt the dry ice which is hidden under the mars soil. By 2025 to 2030, different plans are made by different space agencies to reach to MARS to achieve their individual targets. SpaceX is planni

Life in our solar system in my PERSPECTIVE

From where thelife came from. in my point of the life may be came from the sun and it is transfering from one place to the another from one planet to the other. Mercury to venus to earth to mars to jupter and as follows. depending upon the type of the solar system conditions and the behaviour of the sun as it is ageing further in the process of becoming a death star in the coming billion years. With the help of the present technology we can able to move from one place to the other in a unqieu technology that make us to travel and sound speed and we are trying to move and light speed.  We need to develop a cosomological principal that root of life will be created and it will be transfered all over the galaxy to spread the human evolution. there are different possibility that made the life on a specific conditions. here the life formed on earth itself or in any other metorological colonies. If you look through the chemistry we can ask a basic question that "what is the

Interstellar - A new level of reaching into deep space travel through relativity

Source All about our solar system, outer space and exploration .

Japan Space Bridge - A New Scifi Revolution

Space bridge is one of the high technology and engineering based project that is going to start within a few years and the countries who are involved in this kind of project are America, Europe, Japan, Russia. But i am expecting INDIA into this project which will give a high reputation to the country all around the world. the deal that can be made with JAPAN will help in the more development and involvement of the more private companies into this Hi-tech project. Here the bridge is made with long run of carbon nano tubes ropes which is 10 times stronger than the steel with a having the dia of 5 centimeter diameter steel rope, As nanotechnology is having the high efficiency and capability to withstand high loads when compare to the normal steel ropes. The mass the rope will be less and it has the capability to hold its own weight. we have to the another side of the project is the cost of the project, its is very high and single country is not having the capability to do the pr

Asteroid DA14 had hit Toronto facts about space rocks hitting the Earth

That asteroid that flew by earlier today may have been  17,200 miles away from Earth , but scientists say the event should be considered a wakeup call. I mean, a ten ton space rock exploded over Russian skies today  and left a warpath in its wake—asteroid 2012 DA14 is estimated to be 140,000 tons. Something that immense could do even more damage. Scientists say there are tens of thousands of undiscovered objects “roaming [Earth’s] neighborhood,” and it’s only a matter of time before there’s a life-threatening impact. It’s unlikely something will occur anytime soon, but we only need refer to our planet’s history to get an idea of what can happen. As early as 65 million years ago a 6-mile-wide asteroid struck Earth and completely wiped out the dinosaurs. NASA currently has eyes on up to 90 percent of near Earth asteroids that exceed 0.6 miles wide—big enough to threaten humanity—but scientists say there are thousands of smaller rocks nearby that could become a threat. Making matt

Nuclear Generators Power NASA Deep Space Probes (Infographic)

For more than 50 years, NASA’s robotic deep space probes have carried nuclear batteries provided by the U.S. Department of Energy. Even the crewed Apollo moon landings carried nuclear powered equipment. However, the United States’ supply of plutonium-238, which fuels these batteries, called  radioisotope thermoelectric generators  (RTGs), is running low. Experts worry that ambitious planetary science missions in the future may have to be put on hold until more of the radioactive substance is available. Mars Mission May Be Curtain Call for Plutonium-Powered Spacecraft Complete Coverage: NASA’s Huge New Rover Launching to Mars Our Solar System: A Photo Tour of the Planets

New “Sunquake” Trigger Found: Huge Solar Belches

A coronal mass ejection, as seen by a NASA satellite in June 2011. Photograph courtesy NASA/SDO Dave Mosher for  National Geographic News Published April 5, 2012 Powerful  earthquake -like events on the  sun ‘s  surface, called sunquakes, can be set off by huge belches of charged particles from  the solar atmosphere, scientists say. Researchers had previously linked sunquakes to solar flares, eruptions on the sun that can send powerful bursts of x-rays, ultraviolet light, and matter into space. (See  video: “Solar Flares Cause ‘Sunquakes.’” ) On February 15, 2011, researchers spied two sunquakes and a solar flare that occurred around the same time—but the flare wasn’t hot enough to have spawned the seismic waves. “The heat and radiation from solar flares is thought to drive a pressure wave to the surface, like thunder from a lightning bolt. But for this February 15th event, it wasn’t like that,” said  Sergei Zharkov , a space scientist at University College London, who presented the n

Plutonium Production May Avert Spacecraft Fuel Shortage

This artist’s concept features NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover, a mobile robot for investigating Mars’ past or present ability to sustain microbial life. Curiosity launched toward the Red Planet on Nov. 26, 2011. CREDIT: NASA/JPL-Caltech New batches of plutonium-238 may become available to NASA starting in 2017, perhaps preventing feared shortages of this vital spacecraft fuel. The United States hasn’t produced plutonium-238 — a radioactive isotope that’s been powering NASA space probes for five decades — since the late 1980s, and planetary scientists say  stockpiles are worryingly low . But a production restart is now underway, say officials with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which supplies plutonium-238 to the space agency. “We have turned the spade in starting the project for renewed plutonium production,” Wade Carroll, DOE’s deputy director of space and defense power systems, said in March at the Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space (NETS) conference

The Crash of Failed Mars Probe Phobos-Grunt

Russia launched an ambitious Mars moon probe, the  Phobos-Grunt mission , on Nov. 8, 2011 (EST) on a mission to collect the first samples of the Martian moon Phobos, but the spacecraft was soon marooned in Earth orbit. See how the Phobos-Grunt probe will fall to Earth in January 2012 in the infographic above.

The stars will be out in full force at the 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival

Appearances By Science Celebrities, Performers and Entrepreneurs Will Take “Star Gazing” to Another Level During the USA Science & Engineering Festival on April 28-29, 2012 The stars will be out in full force at the 2 nd  USA Science & Engineering Festival – the nation’s largest celebration of science and engineering. Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman  – hosts of the Discovery Channel’s hit TV series  MythBusters  – are scheduled to perform at the Festival. During their performance, Adam and Jamie will talk about their favorite myths in the world of science, technology, movies, the Internet, history, news stories and other topics they’ve tested on the show. Festival favorite,  Bill Nye the Science Guy , will demonstrate the Passion, Beauty and Joy – or, as he calls it, the P.B. and J. – of Science by talking about our planet’s place in the cosmos .  Mayim Bialik , the talented actress-scientist who plays the brainy Amy Farrah Fowler on the CBS TV hit comedy  The Big Bang Theory  w

why not space ???

Ask a random sampling of people if they think we will have colonized space in 500 years, and I expect it will be a while before you run into someone who says it’s unlikely. Our migration from this planet is a seductive vision of the future that has been given almost tangible reality by our entertainment industry. We are attracted to the narrative that our primitive progenitors crawled out of the ocean, just as we’ll crawl off our home planet (en masse) some day. I’m not going to claim that this vision is false: how could  I  know that? But I will point out a few of the unappreciated difficulties with this view. The subtext is that space fantasies can prevent us from tackling mundane problems whose denial could result in a backward slide. When driving, fixing your gaze on the gleaming horizon is likely to result in your crashing into a stopped car ahead of you, so that your car is no longer  capable  of reaching the promised land ahead. We have to pay attention to the stupid stuff righ