
Showing posts with the label ocean on saturn's moon

ocean on saturn's moon

Saturn's moon , Enceladus , is covered with geysers shooting plumes of water vapor, icy particles and organic compounds. Instruments aboard NASA's Cassini spacecraft detected have carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and various hydrocarbons in the gas plumes.                                       New data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft indicates one of Saturn's moons, Enceladus, may have a fizzy ocean capable of harboring life.                                                                           The findings could explain the vast icy plumes of water that spray into space through fissures -- known as tiger stripes -- on the moon's frozen surface. "Geophysicists expected Enceladus to be a lump of ice, cold, dead and uninteresting," lead Cassini planetary scientist Dennis Matson from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena California said. Instead scientists have recently discovered the moon is covered with geysers shooting plumes of w