
Showing posts from January, 2012


Download JNTU MECH 3-2 (2012) second Mid Online Bits in PDF Subscribe to feed through email,not to miss any updates. Download JNTU MECH 3-2 (2012) second Mid Online Bits subject wise 1. MSE 2. TE-II 3. CAD/CAM 4. DMM-II 5. IM * We are not responsible of any conseqences

Students in Exam Hall

     FUN TIME EXAMTIME This is the following animations seance that the four active students with a teacher in the Exam Hall.


   THE RACE OF LIFE               another super hilarious animation from the web :P :D


Download JNTU CSE/IT 3-2 (2012) second Mid Online Bits in PDF Subscribe to feed through email,not to miss any updates. Download JNTU CSE/IT 3-2 (2012) second Mid Online Bits subject wise 1. CD 2. IS 3. CN * We are not responsible of any conseqences

World's longest sea bridge opens in China

China has opened the world's longest cross-sea bridge - which stretches five miles further than the distance between Dover and Calais. The Jiaozhou Bay bridge is 26.4 miles long and links China's eastern port city of Qingdao to the offshore island Huangdao. The road bridge, which is 110ft wide and is the longest of its kind, cost nearly £1billion to build. A bridge over misty waters: The immense £1billion structure which is supported by more than 5,000 pillars stretches for 24 miles along China's eastern port city of Qingdao to the offshore island Huangdao Chinese TV reports said the bridge passed construction appraisals on Monday and it, along with an undersea tunnel, would be opened for traffic today. It took four years to build the bridge, which is supported by more than 5,000 pillars across the bay, and it is almost three miles longer than the previous record-holder - the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway in Louisiana. That structure features two bridges r...

Building Rotates 360 Degrees !!!

A company in Brazil which name is Suite Vollard builded a building in which each floor can rotate 360 degrees. Each building has 11 apartments and each apartment can spin individually in any direction. One rotation takes a full hour, but apartment owner can set rotation speed through apartment control panel. Facades are made of three different types of glass which give wonderful effects when building spins during the sunset. Cost of each apartment is $US 300,000.000.

Thermal energy

T hermal energy is generated and measured by heat of any kind is due to the increased activity or the speed of molecules in a substance, which in turn causes temperature causes rise accordingly. There are many natural sources of thermal energy on the earth, making it an important component of alternative energies. To explain the laws of thermodynamics, that energy can be exchanged to another in the form of heat from a physical object. For example, putting fire under a pot with water, the water is heating up as a result of the increased molecular motion. In this way, the heat or thermal energy, the fire is partially transferred to the water. Understanding the principles of thermodynamics has allowed people to use to create the natural sources of heat, thermal energy from a variety of sources. The sun, ocean and geothermal sources such as geysers and volcanoes, all sources of thermal energy. As an exhausted people, sustainable forms of alternative energy instead of fossil resources, such...


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