
Showing posts with the label PC Games

Top 10 Best Action Games For PC

The PC has been feeling some neglect in the action genre ever since consoles took the forefront in the eyes of the gaming public. But that's not to say that the platform is dead--far from it! Here are ten of the top action games on the PC. Doom 3  What can be said about the Doom series that hasn't already been said? These games are immensely satisfying, and it's hard to pick just one. However, there's so much disparity between each game, particularly between 3 and the first two, that they really have to be looked at as separate entities in this case. Doom 3 does uphold the tradition of having Earth threatened by the minions of Hell, but this time, teleportation experiments conducted by a military-fortified corporation on Mars have accidentally opened a gateway, releasing demons who are intent on heading towards Earth.   Even though the thought of demons and the walking dead taking over a military base on Mars and piloting stolen spacecraft to earth sounds moderately hil

Top 10 Best Action Games For PC

The PC has been feeling some neglect in the action genre ever since consoles took the forefront in the eyes of the gaming public. But that's not to say that the platform is dead--far from it! Here are ten of the top action games on the PC. The "action" and "action-adventure" categories within the realm of gaming have always been broad in comparison to more focus genres like RPGs, which tend to have variation in narrative and combat/fight systems, but nearly always encompass some sort of epic story, often with a high degree of emotional involvement. This is not to say that one doesn't get all wrapped up any type of game but an RPG, because this simply isn't true. This was the first factor I considered for this list, the degree of engagement by the player, which is subjective by definition. These are certainly not the only titles I've gotten sucked into, and I know plenty of gamers who I know will totally disagree with some of these, even though I stil