
Showing posts with the label S

Way2Sms Desktop Application Features

Way2Sms Desktop Application which has the following features   For all those who  send  SMS  to  their friends from Way2sms a small application that does your work easily :) WAY2SMS Client tool is the best one available so far, the features it offers are: Features:   1) No need to login in browser.   2) Unlimited character support 3) Import & export contacts 4) Remember login details 5) Work in online mode 6) Work in local mode 7) Sends sms faster 8) Search contacts 9) Contacts list 10) Group sms.

Who Invented Thermodynamics?

Biography of Sadi Carno t: (An inspiration for every mechanical engineering student) The applications of the laws of thermodynamics has led to the discovery of important machines like automobile, ships, airplanes , refrigerator, air-conditioner, etc. A young man, Nicholas Leonard Sadi Carnot of 36 years of age is considered to be the father of thermodynamics. It is emotional for many of us to know that inventor of an important field of thermodynamics was a boyish scientist who died at the young age of a mere 36 years. Sadi Carnot is a shining example for the young generation for it was his hard work and inventions which has lead to the design, developments and manufacture of present day automobiles. Personally, when I remember the contributions of this boy, I get goosebumps. Had he lived little longer, I’m sure he would have been involved in many greater inventions. Though lots of research has been carried out in the field of thermodynamics, the works of Sadi Carnot are considered

The stars will be out in full force at the 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival

Appearances By Science Celebrities, Performers and Entrepreneurs Will Take “Star Gazing” to Another Level During the USA Science & Engineering Festival on April 28-29, 2012 The stars will be out in full force at the 2 nd  USA Science & Engineering Festival – the nation’s largest celebration of science and engineering. Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman  – hosts of the Discovery Channel’s hit TV series  MythBusters  – are scheduled to perform at the Festival. During their performance, Adam and Jamie will talk about their favorite myths in the world of science, technology, movies, the Internet, history, news stories and other topics they’ve tested on the show. Festival favorite,  Bill Nye the Science Guy , will demonstrate the Passion, Beauty and Joy – or, as he calls it, the P.B. and J. – of Science by talking about our planet’s place in the cosmos .  Mayim Bialik , the talented actress-scientist who plays the brainy Amy Farrah Fowler on the CBS TV hit comedy  The Big Bang Theory  w

Inhabitat' Halloween in Green of October

Halloween  is coming ! When I am so upset about what should to bring out for everybody visit my blog, I just find this equipment from Inhabitat. I can bring you some of the most bizarre and dark eco products. So hold on your breath, this pin hole skull camera crafted by sculpture artist Wayne Martin Bleger. The piece, entitled   Third Eye , is part of a small collection of eerie photography equipment made from metal, precious stones, and human skull with 150-year-old! The device works by briefly exposing film inside the skull. And just like other pin hole cameras, there are no lenses, battery powered flashes, or any ability to zoom in on a subject. Bleger says he prefers this low-tech photo capturing method, because it’s the most “true representation of a segment of light and time – a pure reflection of what is at that moment.” I think this device is really so creepy. Maybe you want to own one in your Halloween. But what a pity! It’s not for sale even though you own $1 billion. Ab

Kepler-22b, our first planet in the habitable zone of a Sun-like Star

The   Kepler Science Conference   is happening Dec 5 through 9.   Recordings of conference presentations may be found on the  Conference Sessions/Schedule page See: 2011 Dec 5 Press Conference video on YouTube Published paper:  Kepler-22b: A 2.4 Earth-radius Planet in the Habitable Zone of a Sun-like Star NASA News Release Press Conference Slides  (PDF, 17.61 MB) Press Conference Slides  (Power Point, 17.73 MB) Press Kit page Diagrams This image is an artist's conception of planet Kepler-22b, a planet known to comfortably circle in the habitable zone of a sun-like star. It is the first planet that NASA's Kepler mission has confirmed to orbit in a star's habitable zone -- the region around a star where liquid water, a requirement for life on Earth, could persist. The planet is 2.4 times the size of Earth, making it the smallest yet found to orbit in the middle of the habitable zone of a star like our sun. Scientists do not yet know if the planet has a predominan

six-stroke engine

The six-stroke engine is a type of internal combustion engine based on the four-stroke engine, but with additional complexity intended to make it more efficient and reduce emissions. Two different types of six-stroke engine have been developed since the 1990s: In the first approach, the engine captures the heat lost from the four-stroke Otto cycle or Diesel cycle and uses it to power an additional power and exhaust stroke of the piston in the same cylinder. Designs use either steam or air as the working fluid for the additional power stroke.[1] The pistons in this type of six-stroke engine go up and down three times for each injection of fuel. There are two power strokes: one with fuel, the other with steam or air. The currently notable designs in this class are the Crower six-stroke engine, invented by Bruce Crower of the U.S. ; the Bajulaz engine by the Bajulaz S.A. company of Switzerland; and the Velozeta Six-stroke engine built by the College of Engineering, at Trivandrum in India.


Milky Way or Galaxy

  Milky Way or Galaxy  The Milky Way or Galaxy with a capital G, is the name given to our galaxy. Aged 12 billion years, it has been there since the beginning of the universe. Our galaxy contains a set of 200 billion stars and probably a huge amount of dark matter. Together by their gravitational forces.  Galaxies are of three types: elliptical, spiral, irregular. The Milky Way is a spiral. The Hubble Space Telescope regularly sends pictures which show the diversity of galaxies.  Our city is really huge star. This is a huge spiral of stars wheel with a diameter of approximately 100 000 light years. Light takes 100 000 years to cross the Milky Way. It appears that the Earth is a continuous white band of the Milky Way.  Our galaxy is composed of three spiral arms (Sagittarius arm, the arm of Orion and Perseus arm). Its mass is 10 11  kg or 2x10 41  solar masses.  The center of our galaxy is occupied by a black hole, as many galaxies.  The Large and Small Magellanic Cloud gala


BLACK HOLE Black hole is one of the most enigmatic and mysterious objects in the universe. It cannot be seen even with most powerful of telescopes. No object can escape once it falls into a black hole. Even light is held in its grip. Space is highly curved and time moves extremely slowly close to a black hole. Apparently, a black hole is a region of greatly distorted space [and also time]. A black hole, once create, is like a bottom precipice that cannot be filled in or ‘plugged’ with anything. They are almost perpetual holes in space time. They grow at the expense of matter falling into them. Even when no matter fall into black hole, it may stay in the same state for trillions of years. What are black holes? Have you ever had to vacuum your bed room? When you do so, watch closely because you will see dirt, and crumbs start to move towards the vacuum cleaner, cleaning up derbies left behind in outer space.  It is not suction power that makes thing fall into a black hole. Suction


FIRE DESTROYS LIFE Every year thousands of people lose their lives in fire is very important to take steps to prevent fire in our homes as well as institutional premises. Following are some safety tips to make your house a safe home: 1.        Fit smoke alarms on each level in your home. Keep them free from dust and test them once a week. Consider buying a 10 years alarm; otherwise change the batteries in your alarm every year. 2.        Make a fire action plan so that everyone in your home knows how to escape if there is a fire. 3.        Keep the exits from your home clear so that people can escape if there is a fire. Make sure that every in your home can easily find keys for doors and windows. 4.        Take extra care in the kitchen accidents while cooking account for over half of fires in homes. Never leave young children alone in kitchen. 5.        Take extra care when cooking with hot oil. Consider buying a deep fat fryer which is controlled by a thermostat [if y

Egypt Pyramind

Egypt Pyramind

Stephen hawking into the universe

STS-122 Landing: Atlantis Feb.20,2008


hubble telscope


Stars affect dark matter: study

"...when we look at galaxies alone, the gas and stars become relatively more important and begin to influence dark matter..." The interaction of dark matter with stars and gas in individual galaxies is more complicated than previously thought, according to International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR). After discovering a correlation between the concentration and mass of dark matter around clusters of galaxies, Dr Alan Duffy from ICRAR found this relationship breaks down around single galaxies, like our own Milky Way. “A basic assumption that astronomers often make is that the dark matter is so dominant that we can ignore the effects of gas and stars on its dynamics. “For massive clusters of galaxies this is a good approximation and there's a nice relation that drops out of the simulations between the mass of the cluster and the dark matter concentration, in full agreement with observations. “The problem is that when we look at galaxies alone, the gas and sta

Rainmeter 2.0

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VLC Media Player

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