
Showing posts from August, 2014

Renewable occupy the fossil fuel place

We need to make the India  and all the other countries in such a way that the percentage of the power generation what we are generating by the fossils should be converted into the renewable energy resources. THE POWER GENERATED TO THE CONSUMERS OR TO INFRASTRUCTURE OF THE INDIAN OR ANY OTHER IS MOSTLY FROM THE GENERATION OF THE FOSSIL FUELS It is supplied to some of the common purposes that we actually know are as follows: If the power supply what you are getting from the power plant which are generated by the fossil fuels, 1. The power supplied to the street lights 2. Power to the houses or to the consumers 3. Supplied to the small scale industries like textile, auto-mobile, government offices I am trying to say that the government which are available to us should be generated the supply to the power of the or own and which is applicable to the common power consumer, so that the power absorbed from the grid will be reduced at the same time the load of the power genera...

Hopes on Power Sector becoming true by Modi Governement

   Modi who is our Prime Minister of our country is have a right vision towards an inceridable India to transform the country India from a developing country to a developed state. But this will not be a work or  a part of the job of a single person we all should be a part of his goals, ideas and methodology of working strategy in such a way that you can also be a part of developing the county and believe that your hand is also there under development. our budget also gave a hope to the Indian power sector in such  a way that there are number of opportunities for the development of the thermal power plants and the supply of the coal to all newly installed ideal thermal power plants which is more than 30,000 MW. From the last two year the job opportunities availabilities in this sector sector is also less when compared to the other once. * Some of the highlights of the power Budget are: - Extension of 10 years tax holiday - Adequate coal supply to the power pl...