
Showing posts with the label Animals

Soft corner of wild animals towards small. . .

The extraordinary scene was captured  by photography student Casey  Gutteridge at the Santago Rare  Leopard Project in Hertfordshire.  Casey was astounded by the mouse's  behavior. He said: "I have no idea where the mouse came from - he just appeared in the enclosure after the keeper had dropped in the meat for the leopard." "He didn't take any notice of the leopard, just went straight over to the meat and started feeding. But the leopard was pretty surprised, she bent down and sniffed the mouse and flinched a bit like she was scared. In the meantime the mouse just carried on eating like nothing had happened." She gave him a shove with her nose, but even a gentle shove does not deter the little creature from getting his fill.

Stylish Turtle

What do you think of this hairstyle? This is the Mary River turtle (Elusor macrurus), and its green mohawk is made up of algae. This often covers the shell as well as the head, and helps to camouflage the animal

Siberian Huskies

Siberian Huskies have a thicker coat of fur than almost any other breed of canine. It actually has two layers, a dense undercoat and a longer topcoat of short and straight hair. The fur protects the dogs from the Arctic temperatures and weather. Interestingly, the Husky doesn’t suffer in the summer, because the coat reflects heat. The undercoat usually sheds off and requires weekly grooming. The H usky can withstand temperatures of -58 to -76 degrees Fahrenheit. Siberian Huskies come in a variety of colors and patterns, usually with white paws and legs, facial markings, and tail tip. The most common coats are black and white, then less common copper-red and white, grey and white, pure white, and the rare "Agouti" coat, though many individuals have blondish or piebald spotting. Striking masks, spectacles, and other facial markings occur in wide variety. Overall they are exquisite canines with amazing capabilities. The picture above is of Siberian Husky with brown almond

The transparent-headed fish

Keep sharing Facts You Never Knew With a head like a fighter-plane cockpit, a Pacific barreleye fish shows off its highly sensitive, barrel-like eyes--topped by green, orblike lenses--in a picture taken in 2004.

Smallest New Bron Kangaroo . . .

A newborn kangaroo is less than 2 cm in length (less than an inch) when born and weighs about half a gram. It is about the size of a kidney bean.  A baby kangaroo (joey) when born is a blind, hairless embryo that makes it way from the birth canal of the mother kangaroo up to and into the mother's pouch. The joey then latches onto a teat inside the pouch, which then swells inside mouth of the joey,  basically securing it from falling or being jolted from the pouch. The joey then continues to form and grow. The mother kangaroo can have two joeys of different ages in a pouch, at the same time. When this occurs, the mother actually gives two different milks for each joey, according to its nutritional needs. At the same time, she may have an older, almost -weaned joey, which requires a third milk. The more mature joey will leave the pouch as a fully formed animal with sight and fur and able to move around, a little less than half the height of the mother kangaroo. It will quickly re

Extension of the Animals

The mother monkey carrying her baby on her back and climbing on the grills of the gate from one grill to the other. As it is well managed with her baby at different conditions. As the forests are gradually decreasing the survival of the animals has become worst and coming into the cities to lead their generations. comparing  to the last few before and at the present the number of these species had decreased gradually, some every thing is linked up with the nature and the living beings. try to decrease the population growth and minimize the extension of the forests and secure the extension of upcoming animals in INDIA and other parts of the WORLD. "SAVE FORESTS ANS SAVE ANIMALS"

