
Showing posts with the label automotives

Super Cars and its features

Chrysler has been known for its demanding, superb manufacturing, elevated to a height of opulence and performance. Among the initial recent American V-8 engine to generate 300 horsepower, the first Chrysler 300 or the C-300 developed by Virgil Exner that completely revamped the entire Chrysler line in 1955. They made the innovative  2012 Chrysler 300  sedan, which is currently performing at a top-notch experience. They aim to distribute Chrysler’s dominating line to produce maximum performance models through The  Street and Racing Technology  (SRT) performance engineering team that has been dynamically assembled. Other cool innovations that are beneficial for all Chrysler 300 SRT8’s include auto mode, improved horsepower, increased navigation visibility, brake torque, choke site and lateral/vertical designs that produce stylish lines. Chic proportions and amazing on the new 2011 Chrysler 300 captures the the imagination and brings a new driving experience all the time by

Why tyres are made black ?

Originally rubber tires are white, which is the natural color of rubber. In the early 1900s, Binney & Smith began selling their carbon black chemicals to Goodrich Tire Company, as it was found that the use of carbon black in rubber manufacturing significantly increased certain desirable qualities for rubber meant to be turned into tires.  Carbon black works as a reinfor cing filler in rubber, which increases the durability and strength of the rubber. Specifically, adding about 50% by weight of carbon black increases the road-wear abrasion of the produced tire by as much as 100 fold and improves the tensile strength of the tire by as much as 1008%. The tensile strength, for those who don’t know, is the amount of force needed to pull something to its breaking or bursting point. 

Self Repair Cars in the coming future

The Audi A9 Concept Car Repairs Itself, Changes Body Color!  This is the Audi A9 concept from the reputed Spanish designer Daniel Garcia who has the Ducati 6098 R concept and many others to his credit.  Daniel’s A9 concept is a low-emission hybrid vehicle for the future. A9 concept features a single-piece windscreen . Its roof is formed from nanotechnology material, with  a unique automatic system that repairs damage and can also be adjusted for colors and opacity. Lamborghini car manufacturing makes supercars and has collaborated with top universities like MIT doing research on self-healing properties for the metals. this research has been going on since 201 6-17 and developed a four-wheel drive electric called "Terzo Millennio" . Note: the article will continue further, still more study is taking place . . .

Bosch Continuously Variable Transmission

Continuously variable transmissions (CVTs) are stepless automatic transmissions with a Bosch pushbelt. By transmitting drive power efficiently from the engine to the wheels, CVTs reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by up to 7% compared with conventional manual transmissions -- and this without any los s of traction whatsoever. Compact and robust, with technology that is easy to apply, CVTs also cut cost and take up less of the valuable installation space available. IN SHORT:- Continuously Variable Transmission- >Less fuel consumption >Less CO2 output >More comfort >Powerful acceleration 

World's first car drivable inside water!!!

The sQuba, developed by Swiss company Rinspeed , is the world's first car that can be driven both on land and under water.The original idea by Rinspeed founder and CEO Frank M. Rinderknecht was inspired by the 1977 James Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me .The chassis from the Lotus Elise is used as the base for this vehicle.  The sQuba is a zero-emission, all  electric vehicle which uses three electric motors, one for land travel, two for water. It drives on land powered by its electric rear-wheel drive powertrain, utilizing rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Upon entering water, it floats on the surface until the operator floods the interior to submerge it. It can be submerged to a depth of 10 metres (33 ft), powered by twin electric-powered propellers supplemented by two Seabob water jets. It "flies" when underwater, like a submarine, as it is not designed to drive along the surface at the bottom of the water. The car's top land speed is 120 km/h (75 mph) . On

One of the most successful BMW 3 Series 2003

As we all know that owning a car is very necessary .Everyone wants a car that has complete high quality features and at a very reasonable price. One of the most ideal vehicle is BMW 3 Series 2003.This model comes with all the features that you are expecting. It is one of the bestselling model of BMW 3 series. Many people consider buying this eye catching model because of its reliability, durability and longevity. This model has a great demand in many automobile markets around the globe. One of the most demanded markets is Uganda. Up till now numerous of German BMW 3 Series 2003 has been import in Uganda. If you are interested to buy this vehicle so you go to the internet there are so many websites of online Japanese auction .Buying through online Japanese auction will save your time and your money. They offer you a very cheap price so it will be easy for you to afford a car. Used cars from Japan are become very popular in all over the world because these cars are very good in

Wooden Sports Car

Wooden Car Designed by some designers of North Carolina State University using 32 Valf Cadillac V8 engine and substructure of Modern Chevrolet Corvette!!!Awesome!!!

What does a slaughterhouse have to do with cars?

More than you'd think! In 1908 Henry Ford’s foreman, William Klann, visited a slaughterhouse seeing the ‘disassembly line’. He cleverly uses the same principles in reverse to create an ‘assembly’ line for the building of cars. The idea is to have the parts flow on a line to the workers who are stationary, rather than have the workers travel to each  station to complete the cars. Henry Ford's perfection of the assembly line in 1913, allows what used to take 12.5 man hours to be reduced to 1 hour and 33 minutes. This allows Ford to make cars faster and cheaper than ever before, producing vehicles that were affordable enough to make motor car travel a possibility for everyone, not just the wealthy.

Worlds Smallest Petrol Engine

Scientists have created the smallest petrol engine in the world ( less than a centimeter long not even half an inch ), small enough to power a watch or any small gadget. The mini-motor, which runs for two years on a single squirt of lighter fuel, is set to revolutionize world technology. It generates 700 times more energy than a conventional battery. It could be used to operate laptops and mobile phones for months doing away with the need for charging. Experts believe it could be phasing out batteries in such items within just six years. The engine, minute enough to be balanced on a fingertip, has been produced by engineers at the University of Birmingham.

Student's omnidirectional sphere- wheeled electric motorcycle

Thanks to gyros, accelero meters  and sophisticated control  mechanisms, remaining upright on  a two-wheeled vehicle is no longer  quite the balancing act it might  once have been, even when at a  standstill. Visions of future mobility  like Honda's U3-X take such ideas  in whole new directions, quite  literally, by including multi- directional capabilities, and  concepts such as Supple go even  further still by ditching wheels  altogether in favor of balls. It's this  freedom of movement that inspired  a group of students from the  Charles W Davidson College Of  Engineering at San Jose State  University to begin work on the  ambitious Spherical Drive System  (SDS) electric motorcycle. The SDS concept vehicle is described as a self-balancing electric motorcycle that rides on spheres. Rather than using the kind of mechanical gyros that help keep the Gyrobike or the C-1 from Lit Motors in an upright position, the SDS creation uses data from MEMS gyroscopic sensor technol

Wörthersee e-bike

Next week Audi will debut their prototype Wörthersee e-bike, which promises to be a highly advanced, versatile electric bike from the German automakers. The Audi e-bike will be unveiled at Wörthersee in Carinthia, Austria where trial biker Julien Dupont and downhill specialist Petra Bernhard will demonstrate their stunts and streetbike skills. “As a high-performance e-bike for sports and trick cyc ling, it features the Audi core competences of design, ultra, e-tron and connect,” stated Audi’s Head of Design Wolfgang Egger. weighs 24 pounds and features a compact frame made of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer with a low center of gravity to make it superbly agile. The same carbon fiber-reinforced polymer is also used for the 26″ wheels which feature an innovative “Audi ultra blade” design with broad flat spokes for an optimized transmission of pedal power. The 2.3 kW electric motor sends up to 184 lb-ft. of torque to the rear wheel and uses a lithium-ion battery that only need


The first railway on the Indian sub- continent ran over a stretch of 21 miles from Bombay to thane. The ides of a railway to connect Bombay with thane, kalian and with the thal and bhore Ghats inclines first occurred to MR.GEORGE CLARK, THE CHIEF ENGINEER OF THE BOMBAY GOVERNEMENT, during a visit to bhandup in 1843. The formal inauguration ceremony was performed on 16 th April 1853, when 14 railway carriages carrying about 400 guests left bori bunder at 3.30 pm “amidst the applause of a vast multitude and to the salute of 21 guns.” The first passenger train steamed out of Howrah station destined for Hooghly a distance of 24 miles, on 15 th august, thus the first section of the East Indian railway was opened to public traffic, inaugurating the beginning of the railway transport on the eastern side of the sub-continent. In south the first line was opened on 1 st July, 1856 by the Madras railway ran between veyasrspandy and walajah road [Arcot],a distance of distance of

2013 SRT Viper Revealed! - Wide Open Throttle Episode 10


100 MPG on Gasoline: Could We Really make that ?

some guy had invented a car that could get 100 miles per gallon (MPG), but that powerful interests (often GM, Chevron, etc.) had bought rights to the idea and sat on it. We suckers were left to shell out major bucks for gasoline, when a solution was in hand and under wraps. Leaving aside the notion that such a design would bring unbelievable prosperity to its holder (i.e., no real incentive to  sit  on it), let’s look at what physics says is possible. We like cars because we can travel quickly from point A to point B. So let’s evaluate the energy requirements to make that journey at freeway speeds. We will use the somewhat awkward (although appropriate) speed of 67 m.p.h. because it conveniently maps to 30 meters per second. At these speeds, aerodynamic resistance is   the dominant energy drain, so we will start by evaluating  only  this to get a lower bound on fuel efficiency, and find that we do a pretty good job! What a Drag! As long as your car is bigger than a dust grain, air res