Find the cholesterol level that is right for you

Find the cholesterol level that is right for you

Use these charts to get a better understanding of what your blood pressure, BMI LDL Total choletrol and triglycerides levels should be.

If you
Your LDL[bad] cholesterol should be
Your total cholesterol should be
Your triglycerides should be
Fewer than 2 risk factor and no heart disease
Under 160 mg/Dl
Under 240 mg/dL
Under 200 mg/dL
2 or more rick factors with no heart disease
Under 130 mg/dL
under 200 mg/dL
under 200 mg/dL
Heart disease
100 mg/dL or less
160 mg/dL
150 mg/dL or less


  1. ·         FAMILY HISTORY
  2. ·         DIABETES
  3. ·         SMOKING
  4. ·         LOW HDL[40 MG/DL]
  5. ·         HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE
  6. ·         AGE [MEN 45 YEARS]/[WOMEN 55 YEARS]


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